Teachers are more than welcome to visit us in advance to discuss particular requirements, and we can tailor your class visit accordingly. A teachers' information sheet is here, as is our Worksheet, for you to download and use as you wish - just click HERE
A huge amount of curriculum work can be based on your visit covering every subject area. Your school should already have a copy of the NFU publication "The Farm – A Living Classroom". For further ideas and information visit the FACE website and click on the "education" button. Also try Food and Farming site for lots of information and help.
Playgroups, Pre-schools, Brownies & Cubs, Sunday Schools, Home Education Groups will all find a visit rewarding. Just contact us for bookings or more information.
Please note that your group visit does NOT need to be within our opening hours.
Please look at our Safety Page for important Health and Safety information.
For help with your Risk Assessment click here.